Invention Judge Sign-Up Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.First Name *Last Name *Name of Company or Institution *If you are a college student, please list the university you attend.Position/Title *If you are a college student, please list your year and major.Email *I affirm that I am over 18 years old *Yes, I am over 18Please select which one applies to you. *I have been a volunteer judge for the student invention convention in the past.This is my first year as a volunteer judge for the student invention convention.I am interested in serving as:Asynchronous Online Judge (review, score, and leave feedback for students on your own time)Live Judge (Meet with students on Saturday, March 15th from 9am-12pm CDT on Zoom to hear presentations, ask questions, and score projects the day of)You will receive a confirmation email Please list any relevant experience Examples: Past judging experience (ISIC, Science Fair, Science Olympiad, etc.); experience in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship, or STEM; experience working with youth etc.How did you hear about this judging opportunity? *Save the DateI understand that I will receive a link to a Judge Training Video at the beginning of February 2025 . I am expected to watch the training video and complete action items like signing up for the virtual judging platform, Z-Fairs, prior to Wednesday, February 26, 2025 *Yes, I understandI understand that scores and feedback must be submitted by 10pm CDT on Saturday, March 15, 2025. *Yes, I understandQuestions? Comments?Submit